Thursday, May 16, 2013

How Do I Install a Windshield on a Mercedes

1. Use a sharp blade to cut the rubber trim from around the edges of the windshield. Make an incision in the rubber at the top of the shield then cut in a clockwise direction to remove all of the trim. Take care not to scratch the windshield with the blade.
2. Enter the vehicle and push the windshield out from the inside. Have someone on hand to help lift the windshield out of the frame.
3. Place a thin layer of windshield sealant around the edges of the windshield. Attach a new gasket to the bottom of the windshield. The gasket should be lined up at dead center with the slit on the outside of the windshield and the heavy part on the inside.
4. Tie a nylon cord around the outer groove of the windshield. This will help seal the rubber lip in place once you lift the windshield on to the frame.
5. Lift the windshield in to the frame of the Benz. Have someone press the windshield against the frame for a few minutes to allow a seal to set in place. Pull the nylon cord across the bottom of the windshield from inside the vehicle to set the rubber lip in place.